Christina Lewis

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Christina Lewis uses oil paint on canvas to create figurative expressionist pieces with a distinctly Caribbean vibe.

Christina Lewis, aka Bonesy, is a Puerto Rican-American painter born in New Jersey, who now resides in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

She is interested in spiritual realms and personal development and is influenced by Van Gogh and Arnaldo Roche because of the expressionistic nature of their art. Her work is also inspired by Frida Kahlo’s surrealistic paintings and rebellious nature which questions the status quo.

Bonesy has exhibited her work in 2021 for the second time with the Every Woman Biennial NFT only show in NYC. She has shown her work in New Jersey, New York City, Colombia, and Puerto Rico, and most recently, at Superfine Art Fair NYCx3.

Inspired by contemporary artist Sara Shakeel, Carmel Jenkin, and Ekaterina Popova, to Christina, art is life. There is no such thing as a life without art. From how we dress, to what we read, listen to, or watch, artists create our reality. Christina takes her role as an artist very seriously. Her mission is to prove to every person that they are beautiful just as they are.

WORKS BY Christina

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