Darvin Jones


Darvin Jones uses acrylic, watercolor, graphite and mixed media to create abstract contemporary works exploring visual languages that speak to the convergence of time + space + the micro + macro. The interplay of translucence + opaqueness, shifting perspectives and deconstructed contextualities are used to produce a reflection of natural elements that are constantly morphing their chemical properties through transmutation.

Darvin Jones has been a visual artist now for 15 years in numerous capacities. He balances his work life between commercial art as a professional muralist, decorative painter and as a studio artist with his contemporary abstract art.

Darvin’s love of painting was a complete shock to fall into shortly after finishing his masters in communications. He was to go on to be an academic, teaching and researching. However, the first painting Darvin made was very therapeutic and sold within a month. Although a total fluke, after this experience Darvin was hooked for life.

Art to Darvin is in its broadest sense a form of communication. Art at its basic core is an expression of feelings, thoughts and observations. Producing art is a direct communication with something bigger than everyday reality. It is a meditational process of being present and empty while actively creating. Some have referred to this as the flow state. Darvin doesn’t create art to mean something, he creates art as an act of expression, while sometimes trying to interpret ideas and thoughts. However, Darvin believes his artwork creates a road map and a space for a viewer to resonate and begin their own dialogue of interpretation and creation of meaning.

Artist Statement: "I want to create beautiful works that offer a visual experience for viewers to stop for a moment and transcend their everyday perception and heighten their awareness. If my work can simultaneously offer beauty, emotional responses, a space in time and a sanctuary to get lost in + to find something, then I have accomplished my role and will sleep well at night…….

As an abstract contemporary painter my interests are exploring visual languages that speak to the convergence of time + space, the micro + macro microcosms. The interplay of translucence + opaqueness, shifting perspectives and the mediums chosen are to produce a reflection of natural elements that are constantly morphing their chemical properties through transmutation.

There is an immediacy + delicacy to the process + execution of painting that is grounding in the sense of being completely present, while capturing time, distilled into overlaying movements. The parameters of the canvas dimensions are very much aligned with the literal definition of dimensions: an area over which activity, capacity, or influence extends."


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