Gary Jones


Gary Jones uses acrylic and mixed media to create contemporary, abstract fine art pieces.

Gary Jones uses modern techniques to works with unique elements to engage, create emotions and thought to allow the viewer to resonate and begin their own dialogue of interpretation and meaning.

It has taken years in Gary’s journey as a visual artist working with watercolors, oils and acrylics to find his path. He is now using acrylic and mixed media only, thereby allowing his work to continuously grow in new directions.

Gary’s transition from a music performance artist to a visual artist was due to a serious auto accident that initially left Gary physically unable to perform music. Visual art was therapeutic and pivotal in his healing process. After completing his first painting he was hooked for life.

Artist Statement - ”Gary doesn’t create art to mean one exact thing he creates art as an act of expression, while occasionally trying to interpret ideas and thoughts.With each canvas Gary strives to create beautiful works that simultaneously offer beauty and emotional response, and if accomplished leaves memories in the minds and hearts of the viewer.”


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