Jonathon Lee Shannon

Brooklyn, New York

Jonathon Lee Shannon uses charcoal, acrylic, and heavy body mediums on vinyl to create works using a style called Reverse Reality, which consists of a combination of organic and geometric shapes. The subjects matter is mostly landscapes, cityscapes, and indoor environments.

Jonathon Lee Shannon is originally from North Carolina, but now lives in NYC, working as an artist and art handler. He was always creative growing up and loved anything that had to do with art.

When Jonathon was in 8th grade, he was in a tragic accident that put him in the hospital with the risk of losing his vision. It took years for Jonathon to fully recover, but he used art to help him through the hard times.

Several years later, Jonathon received his BFA at Savannah College of Art and Design. Being the first of his generation to go to college, he wanted all of what college had to offer. Accordingly, he studied abroad to France and Hong Kong to further his understanding of art history. Throughout his years at SCAD, he received several scholarships and worked with artists such as Patrick Dorothy and Xu Bing. During his junior year, he was honored a scholarship to a residency program at Anderson Ranch, a location in Snowmass Village, Colorado. It was here where he gained a deeper understanding of abstract art and developed his own concept of painting.

Jonathon’s work is inspired by the direction civilization is heading. He feels that we are starting to move in a reverse direction, we are pushing away from the industrial revolution and focusing more on sustainability. This inspired Jonathon to think of new ways to create, and Reverse Reality was started.

Jonathon sees the world in two basics forms, organic and geometric. He starts by sketching the composition in charcoal using traditional methods of direct observation. Then he paints these basic forms in reverse, making organic forms, like trees and people, into simplified flat geometric shapes, while capturing the movement and expression. In contrast, he paints the basic geometric forms, like building, cars, and man-made objects, organically. Making the form more fluid and expressive, with no hard line or edge. Creating a new way of looking at the world.

WORKS BY Jonathon

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