Karriena Daryanani

San Francisco, California

Karriena Wadwani Daryanani works with Acrylic Paints and Mixed Media (Rocks, Sand, Paint Thickener, Black/Transparent Beads, Coarse Pumice, Crackle Paste) on canvas to create abstract paintings that are inspired by emotions felt in a particular moment. Her paintings are heavy with texture and a combination of different textures depending on the level of intensity of the painting.

Karriena is an independent artist based in San Francisco. With her roots in Hong Kong and a former Parsons School of Design graduate, she brings her diversity of experiences to the canvas. She is fascinated with representing the feeling of moments and experiences and bringing these intangible moments to the canvas. Karriena loves working with textures and most of her pieces are filled with different textures and layers of colour.

She has been creating professionally since 2018 and has always had a passion for creativity and art. Karriena is also an Art Teacher with a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and Masters in Educational Technology as she loves to learn and pass on her passion of art to others.

"A picture represents a thousand words." Art is a means of communication that can represent a message in a way that words cannot. It is a complex process of choosing the right mediums, colours and inspiration to convey your message to the world. The more knowledge and experience you have with creating the more effectively you can convey your message.

Karriena has many different artists that she draws inspiration from usually centered on colour, composition or use of texture as inspiration. A few artists’ work that she loves looking at and are inspired by are Jackson Pollock (inspired by his use of texture), Jackie Saccoccio (for her use of blending and colour) and Kirsten Jackson (love her use of colour and composition).

WORKS BY Karriena

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