Salome Tamayo Hidalgo

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Salomé Tamayo Hidalgo uses acrylics, typically enhanced by other mediums to offer better blending and finishing, to create unique, whimsical characters/portraits. Her works represent people living the way they want and experiencing life in a very real way. Salomé wants the viewer to have difficulty defining the characters in a specific style to highlight the ambiguities that make the characters, each of us, human.

Salomé Tamayo Hidalgo was born in Medellín, Colombia and now resides in Philadelphia. She received her BFA in Illustration from SCAD and has been a part of different exhibitions throughout the USA and internationally.

Salomé’s work celebrates the inconsistencies and peculiarities of social cannons. By observing people, she looks for characters and stories entwined in everyday life. Her characters display abstract concepts to give concrete depictions of people living in their own way.

Art for Salomé is a bridge. A way of connecting. Through her work she finds commonality with the audience. A connection to the ambiguity of the characters. She hopes people see through the humorous characters a space where they can be themselves too; their most real self.


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