Via Boley

Austin, Texas

Via Boley uses oil paint to create haunting, emotionally powerful figurative abstract pieces.

Via Boley is a professional artist whose work has been shown in various art spaces, in Boston, Massachusetts, and Austin, Texas. She holds a BFA from the Mass. College of Art, where she was recognized with various awards, including but not limited to, the 2021 Gamblin Paint Award, the Roger Tibbetts Art Award, and the Artist and Craftsman supply award.

She recently completed an artist residency at Cow House Farm in Wicklow, Ireland, which further enriched her artistic vision. Boley is currently working in her studio in Austin, Texas, primarily in oil painting.

Boley’s work focuses on the complexities of perception and power dynamics inherent in the act of viewing. Through a mix of abstraction and figurative elements, she captures the nuanced interplay between viewer and subject. Symbolic elements such as window panes and distorted figures subtly state the voyeuristic nature of observation, and the emotional harm that it can cause. Ultimately, her work challenges passive depictions of women, inviting dialogue on the intricacies of perception and power dynamics.

"For me, art holds dual significance. Firstly, it serves as a catalyst for introspection and discourse, compelling us to confront uncomfortable truths and reassess our perspectives. Secondly, I have a deep affection for the process itself. I'm enamored by how color, drawing, and texture can seamlessly blend to produce something visually captivating. The allure lies in the endless combinations of techniques, each resulting in a unique outcome, which can never be exactly replicated."


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